New Family
Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Jillian and Rosalyn walk together down a sidewalk in front of what looks like an office building. Rosalyn: “If you were ever open to teaching someone those tricks of yours, I’d love to learn.”
Jillian: “Hmm… you said you’re not quite a hundred years old?”
Panel 2: Jillian: “You may not be old enough for it to work properly, but I can go over some of the technique with you.”
Rosalyn: “You make me feel so young.”
Panel 3: Rosalyn: “”I’m old enough to have grandchildren, you know. I don’t, but I could.”
Jillian, with a small smile: “I have grandchildren.”
Panel 4: Jillian’s smile disappears as she looks up towards the night sky. “And great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren… and many more beyond that.”
Rosalyn: “Wow.”
Panel 5: Rosalyn: “It must’ve been hard, leaving them behind.”
Jillian, her eyes a bit wet: “It was. But that’s why we make new family. To replace... what we’ve lost.”
Panel 6: Rosalyn: “Makes it sound simple.”
Jillian: “It’s not. But it is worth it.”