Published on by LegolianM.
Panel 1: Darrell sits on his bed playing with his guitar. There’s a light grey sheet on the mattress now, and a pile of blankets and pillows beside him.
Panel 2: He looks up suddenly, startled.
Panel 3: In sepia tones we see an unknown person peering through an unknown doorway. They appear to be quite young, though almost none of their facial features can be made out save for a bright smile. Their dark hair hangs partially over their face and ends at their shoulders, and they’re wearing an oversized t-shirt over a striped long sleeved shirt. In the hall behind them hang a few picture frames, though we can’t see the pictures.
Panel 4: Only a sliver of Darrell’s face can be seen, eyes wide in utter shock and mouth partially agape.
Panel 5: We then see Becca instead, peering inquisitively through the open door to Darrell’s room in the present.
Panel 6: A close up of Darrell’s hand slamming the guitar down onto his bed.
Panel 7: Another close up of his feet as he stomps quickly across the room.
Panel 8: The door slams violently shut.